Saturday, May 19, 2012

de la Vega

While this isn't quite on the topic of my blog, I haven't written a post in a while...I'm really hoping to ramp up my blogging efforts this summer (right after I'm recovered from my wisdom tooth extraction).

Anyway, I've always had a fascination with de la Vega. For non New Yorkers, de la Vega makes chalk drawings all over Manhattan. They're usually pretty simple, but have a neat concept and made my walk to school interesting if there was one on the block that day. Last summer, I saw him in action and had a minor freak out - the type teenage girls have when they see Justin Bieber, or the likes. Instead I've never really had a thing for that hair. Anyway, this is more my type of freak out. I took a few pictures. 

Today, I passed his new shop with my mom. It's actually a framing shop that's housing some of his works. And they're ridiculously over priced. So, i took to researching online. I've come across some neat images I hadn't seen before and am hoping to find some way of decorating my new room with them (that doesn't break the bank). (Many more posts to come on the new room - I'm moving into Penn's first coop and will have a room in a 9 bedroom house off-campus! so excited!). 

Below are some of my favorite pictures that I found online. No credit to me, they're clearly all marked de la vega. And I found most of them on his Facebook page -

[Really I just want to get these up here so I can pin them to interest :)]

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