Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Greenpeace Boat Tour

My tour of the Greenpeace boat yesterday was great! The Arctic Sunrise icebreaker actually used to be a sealing boat and has had an eventful history. It is traveling at full capacity (30 ppl) up the east coast raising awareness about it's latest "Quit Coal" campaign.  Here are 6 Coal Myths (from a Greenpeace handout)
  1. Coal is cheap and renewables are expensive.
  2. We need coal to keep the lights on.
  3. Coal is clean.
  4. The U.S. has 200 years of coal to burn.
  5. Coal means jobs.
  6. "Clean Coal" will allow us to burn coal while protecting the climate.
I highly suggest you go check out the boat for yourself!

Thur 2/10 - Open Boat 12-6 pm
Fri 2/11 - Open Boat 12-6 pm


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