Thursday, February 16, 2012


The latest buzz in Twitter optimization is Twylah. What is it? And where does it's unique name come from? Well, unfortunately I wasn't able to figure out where this interesting name comes from, but at least the TW likely originate from its association with Twitter. 

Twylah essentially creates a profile page out of your Twitter account. It condenses Twitter stories into categories and you can customize the page with your information. Basically it's another profile page to put out there and a place for your tweets to rest once they have been sent out into the vast Twitter world. Most often a tweet will hover for a couple of seconds in a feed and then disappear forever into the deep abyss of billions of tweets, but Twylah captures your tweets for you! 

I see some similarities with, but Twylah is more customizable and seems to really be on the upswing boasting important celebrity members including many in the social media world. 

Here's a link to my new Twylah profile:, to be customized [hopefully] soon. You can follow me on all of my social networks here:

Unfortunately I'm still buried under work and pathetically behind on NaBloPoMo...I'll do my best to complete 29 posts this month, but may just have to admit defeat and try again next month. 

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